Dr. Shamsher Alam
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology and Tribal Studies
School for the Study of Culture
Central University of Jharkhand
Association with University : Since 24/08/2012 (to till date)
E-mail : shamsher@live.com
Mobile : +91 - 9334230506
Education :
Ph.D. (IIT-Patna)
Master Degree in Anthropology - Gold Medalist (with distinction)
Bachelor Degree (Hons.) in Anthropology - University Topper (with distinction)
Bachelor of General Laws (BGL) / UGC-NET-JRF (Anthropology)
Interest Area :
Tribal Governance and Administration
Biological Anthropology
Professional Experience :
Assistant Professor (Stage-I) : 24-Aug-2012 to 23-Aug-2018
Memberships :
Association of the Socio-Economic Development Studies, Lucknow, India
Indian Association for Women's Studies (IAWS), New Delhi, India
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), Osaka, Japan.
Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi, India. [Life Membership (India) - 4302]
Awards and Honours :
Awarded the UGC-NET-Junior Research Fellowship for pursuing Doctoral Research.
Gold Medal for being the University Topper in M.A. (Anthropology).
Merit Certificate for being the University Topper in B.A. (Hons.) in Anthropology.
Co-Academic / Administrative Engagements (within university) :
Hostel Warden (Male), Central University of Jharkhand (18 April 2013 - 17 April 2015).
Member, Admission Committee (2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2019 / 2020 / 2022 / 2023 / 2025).
Member, Board of Studies, Centre for Tribal and Customary Law, Central University of Jharkhand.
Member, School Board, School for the Study of Culture, Central University of Jharkhand.
Coordinator, Dept. of Contemporary and Tribal Customary Law (18 Sep 2018 to 26 Sep 2021).
Deputy Superintendent for Conducting Walk-in-Entrance Test (for Admission) - 2019
Member, Academic Council of Central University of Jharkhand (18 Sept. 2018 to 26 Sept. 2021).
Member, Committee for Implementation of EPF Scheme for Outsourced/Contractual Employees
Member, Academic Affairs Committee (attached to the Dean, Academic Affairs) w.e.f. 30-Sept-2021.
Member, Department Research Committe [Dept. of CTCL / Dept. of Anthropology and Tribal Studies]
Samarth Portal Coordinator [for Exam related activities of Dept. of Anthropology and Tribal Studies]
Academic and Examination Coordination Committee, Integrated UG-PG Programmes (Session : 2022-23)
Co-Academic / Administrative Engagements (outside university) :
Presentation in International Seminars :
Presented paper titled “Human Rights and Role of Anthropology” at the International Seminar on Human Rights in the Era of Globalisation ; Venue - Ranchi University, Ranchi. (26-28 February 2008).
Presented paper titled “Preservation of Cultural Legacy of Tribal People” at the International Seminar on Voices of the Margin : Society, Culture and Exclusion ; Venue - Central University of Jharkhand. (20-22 February 2013).
Presented paper titled “Envisioning Amelioration of Child Labour in Jharkhand ” at the International Seminar on Human Resource ; Venue - Institute for Social Development and Research, Ranchi. (01-03 November 2014)
Presented paper titled "Traditional Indian Architects : The Life of Blessed Souls" at the International Seminar on Diversity of Shilpa : Theory and its Application; Venue - Ranchi University, Ranchi. (14-16 May 2016).
Presented paper titled "The Pragmatic Analysis and Applicability of Prevention of Witch (DAAIN) Practices Act in Jharkhand, India" at the 11th International Seminar on Globalization and Society; Venue - Institute for Social Development and Research, Ranchi (08-10 April 2017).
Presented paper titled "Phoenix of Erudition and Tutelage : A Gestalt of Budding Footprints of Digital Education in India" at the International Seminar on Management and Computing Technologies : Vision 2050; Venue - Ideal Institute of Management, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi (26 August 2017).
Presented paper titled "Protagonist Role of Education for Warranting Peace, Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development" at the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development of the Society : Current Trends and Future Outlook; Venue - Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi, New Delhi (26-28 August 2017).
Presented paper titled "India’s Nationalism in Historical Perspective : Conceptualizing and Measuring Contemporary Citizenship" at the International Conference on Understanding Nationalism and Patriotism in the Contemporary World, Venue - National Law University, New Delhi (02-03 March 2019).
Presented paper titled "Cyber Crime, Cyber Law and Digital Forensics : Privacy and Security Issues in India" at the International Seminar on Criminal Law and Administration of Criminal Justice System : National and International Commitments, Venue - Babu Banarsi Das University, Lucknow (09-10 March 2019).
Presentation in National Seminars :
Presented paper titled “Panchayati Raj and Rural Development” at the UGC National Seminar on Panchayati Raj Institutions and Mobilization of Weaker sections in Jharkhand; Venue-K.B College Bermo, Bokaro. (14-15 May 2007).
Presented paper titled “Safeguards for SC and ST for bringing them in Mainstream Society” at the National Seminar on the Role of Central Government in the Development of SC & ST ; Venue - K.B. College Bermo, Bokaro. (21-22 September 2007).
Presented paper titled “Preservation of Tribal Culture and Heritage” at the National Seminar on Development of Anthropology in Pre-Independent and Post-Independent Periods; Venue - Ranchi University, Ranchi. (17-19 December 2010).
Presented paper titled “Ethnomedicinal Practices among the Birhors of Demotand, Hazaribag” at the UGC sponsored National Seminar; Venue - Department of Anthropology, Ranchi University, Ranchi.(25-26 March 2011).
Presented paper titled “Role and Importance of Customary Laws in Tribal Governance” at the National Seminar on Decentralized Governance and Changing Paradox of Development in Rural Areas ; Venue - Central University of Jharkhand. (11-12 September 2013).
Presented paper titled “Role of Public Participation in Fostering National Integration” at the National Seminar on National Integration; Venue - Institute for Social Development and Research, Ranchi. (04-06 April 2015)
Presented paper titled “Implementation of PESA Act (A Reality Check)" at the National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Tribal Rights : Issues and Challenges in Jharkhand; Venue - National University for Study and Research in Law, Ranchi. (23-24 May 2015)
Presented paper titled “Water Footprint Diminution : A Critical Stride Towards Sustainable Existence and Development" at the National Conference on Water and Sustainable Development; Venue - Central University of Jharkhand. (08-09 January 2016).
Presented paper titled "Securing Food Security : A Challenge to Challenge" at the National Seminar on Livelihood and Food Culture of Tribes in India; Venue - Department of Anthropology, Ranchi University, Ranchi. (27-28 February 2016).
Presented paper titled "Glitches and Inhibitions in Execution of MGNREGA" at the National Seminar on Agriculture, Rural and Tribal Development : Facts and Facets; Venue - Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Ranchi Campus, Ranchi. (14 May 2016).
Presented paper titled "Maulana Azad's Doctrine for Religious Harmony in Concurrent India" at the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's Political and Educational Thought and its Relevance in Present Times; Venue - Shaheed Smriti Hall, Morabadi Campus, Ranchi University, Ranchi. (20-21 May 2016).
Presented paper titled "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao : A Positive Discrimination to Repudiate the Negatives of Gender Incommensurateness" at the National Conference on Rethinking Contemporary Indian Polity; Venue - Amity University, Noida (14-15 September 2017).
Presented paper titled "Combating the Bearings of Globalization : An Anthropological Approach of Heritage Preservation Among the Indigenous Communities " at the National Seminar on Globalization of Indian Economy and Management, Venue - KLB DAV Girls College for Management, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh (23 December 2017).
Presented paper titled "Online Dispute Resolution : A Treatise on Dispute Resolution Technology, Ethics and Access to Justice" at the National Conference on Alternative Dispute Resolution : Emerging Issues, Venue - Sharda University, Noida (22 February 2019).
Presented paper titled "Social Media and Political Communication viewed in a Social Media Analytics Framework : Tracking Information Epidemic in Cyberspace" at the National Seminar on Role of Social Media and Young Voters, Venue - IIDEM, Delhi (25 March 2019).
Research Project / Consultancy :
Workshops Attended :
International Workshop on Empirical Legal Research at National Law University, Dwarka, New Delhi, India. (2- 7th February 2013).
ICSSR sponsored Two Week Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members (20th May to 3rd June 2013).
Post-Conference Workshop on Cruising your Way to Academic Success, Centre for Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. (8th February 2014).
Orientation Programme at Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi. (12th March to 08th April 2015).
ICSSR sponsored 14 Days Capacity Building Programme for the Faculty Members in Social Science (10th May to 23rd May 2015).
Twelve Day Workshop on “Social Justice : Practice & Research” organized jointly by Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India and University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Venue : IIT Gandhinagar (19-30 June 2017).
Special Winter School on “Changing Dimensions of Higher Education in India” organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (11-30 December 2017).
One Day Workshop on “Research Methodology and Latex Learning” organized by Department of Computer Science and Technology, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi (14 December 2018).
Publications (Research Journal) :
Seventh Pay Revision vis-à-vis Higher Education in India; Journal - Indian Journal of Social Research, Volume - 59, Issue - 05, Page : 719-733 (October 2018).
The Digital Divide, Gender and Education: Challenges for Tribal Youth in Rural Jharkhand during Covid-19, Journal - Decision (Official Journal of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta); https://doi.org/10.1007/s40622-022-00315-y; (23 August 2022).
Publications (Book Chapter) :
Legacy and Evolution of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Tribal Self-Governance in India, Book : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development, ISBN : 978-1-032-60104-5, Publisher : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003457619-48
Prospects of PESA Act and Inhibitions in its Implementation in Scheduled Areas of Jharkhand, India, Book : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development, ISBN : 978-1-032-60104-5, Publisher : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003457619-49
Exploring Health Information Seeking Behaviour Among Young Oraon Women in Jharkhand, Book : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development, ISBN : 978-1-032-60104-5, Publisher : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003457619-50
Evolution and Implementation of Land Acquisition Legislations in India, Book : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development, ISBN : 978-1-032-60104-5, Publisher : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003457619-51
Change in Gender Relations: Re-Visiting Gender-Based Violence in Tribal Communities of India, Book : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development, ISBN : 978-1-032-60104-5, Publisher : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003457619-52
“Sarna Adivasi” Religion Code: Contextualizing Religious Identity of Tribals in India, Book : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development, ISBN : 978-1-032-60104-5, Publisher : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003457619-53
Research Guidance (Doctoral) :
As Ph.D. Supervisor
Vikalp Raj (Writing Thesis)
Priyanka Thakuri (Preparing Research Proposal)
Vineeta Kamal (undergoing Pre-Ph.D. course work)
As Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Member
Research Guidance (Post-Graduate) :
Eva Jyoti Lakra [2015] : Prospects and Problems of Panchayati Raj in Scheduled Areas of Jharkhand.
Sanjay Kumar [2015] : Bottlenecks in Implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).
Arun Tirkey [2016] : A Socio-Legal Study of Witchcraft among the Oraon and Munda Communities of Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Jaiwant Murmu [2019] : Study of Customary and Institutional Maternity Practices among the Oraons of McCluskieganj, Jharkhand.
Archana Pandey [2019] : Tribal Ethno-Medicine and Intellectual Property Rights : A Study Among the Oraons of McCluskieganj, India.
Dravyesh Narayan Pathak [2020] : Customary Legal System as Means of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism Among Santhals of Odisha, India.
Komal Pallavi Bhengra [2020] : An Investigation of Customary Laws Relating to Rites de Passage Among Santhals of Odisha, India.
Om Lata [2020] : An Impact Assessment of Public Distribution System in Ensuring Food Security Among Santhals of Odisha, India.
Agnesh Kerai [2021] : Traditional Games and Sports of Tribals of West Singhbhum, India.
Avinash Tirkey [2021] : Tribal Self Governance and Administration Among Tribes of Ranchi, India.
Md. Sahabuddin Mondal [2021] : Prevention of Cyber Crime : An Analytical Study with Special Reference to Indigenous Peoples.
SM Samsh Quamar [2021] : Struggles, Prospects and Concerns of Adopting ‘Sarna Adivasi’ Religion Code in Census of India.
Santosh Kumar Pandit [2021] : Customary Ethno-Medicinal Practices of Oraons of Ranchi, India.
Sonam Hassim [2021] : Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Concerning Traditional Medicinal Plants in India.
Ashish Kujur [2022] : राँची के उराँव आदिवासियों में स्वास्थ्य संबंधी अवधारणाएं एवं मानवजाति चिकित्सकीय प्रथाएं.
Aswathy Ravikumar [2022] : A Study of Tribal Development Initiatives in Brambe Village of Ranchi, India
Muhammad Noorul Ameen T K [2022] : Impact Assessment of Establishment of Educational Institution in its Vicinity (A Case Study of Central University of Jharkhand)
Sanjay K P [2022] : An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives in Jaher Village of Ranchi, India.
Suraj Mahli [2022] : Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement in Scheduled Area : A Case Study of Establishment of Central University of Jharkhand and Transport Nagar in Ranchi, India.
Rajeev Ranjan Raj [2022] : Customary Laws Pertaining to Inheritance of Property Among Oraons of Jharkhand, India.
Ronit Anthony Kachhap [2022] : Parha Panchayat : The Waning System of Traditional Governance and Administration Among Oraons of Ranchi, India.
Dipanjali [2023] : Role and Efficacy of 5th Schedule of Constitution in Promoting Tribal Development: A Case Study of Ranchi, India.
Mayank Shekhar [2023] : A Critical Assessment of Judiciary’s Role in Ensuring Constitutional Remedies in India .
Mukul [2023] : A Comprehensive Analysis of Legal Framework for Combating Sexual Harassment in India.
Niranjan Kumar [2023] : A Critical Analysis and Evaluation of Reservation Policy vis-à-vis Social Justice in India.
Shruti Kumari [2023] : A Comprehensive Exploration of Feasibility and Implications of Uniform Civil Code in India.
Vikash Kumar Singh [2023] : Role of Judiciary in Promoting Social Justice and Public Interest Through Judicial Activism in Jharkhand.
Vivek Raj [2023] : The Citizenship Act and its Subsequent Amendments: An Analysis of its Evolution, Implications and Policy Considerations in India.
Shafeeq Ahammed [2024] : Opportunities and Challenges in Business and Entrepreneurial Endeavours Operationalized by Tribals of Brambe, Ranchi.
Sony [2024] : Prenatal and Postnatal Practices Among Oraon Tribals of Ranchi, India.